- #Canvas print fr winter wonderland ipi studio generator
- #Canvas print fr winter wonderland ipi studio full
- #Canvas print fr winter wonderland ipi studio trial
#Canvas print fr winter wonderland ipi studio trial
TRINCO MARINE ENGINES _ V QUALITY considered the Pi and 4 h p VINCO ?Engines are the cheapest and oui 30 DAYS FREE TRIAL and 5 Years guarantee ensure you abso lute satisfaction Our latest models are fitted with IMPULSE ST. If jou are wanting a good strong and îoomy Tjaunch UP to 20ft and at e verv reasonable price it will be much to your advantape to call on us or write giving particulars of what you desire Terms arranged POR S\LE at lo\ est prices nil sizes of STEAMERS Owing exceptional ciicumstance« above Craft mustīOft AUXILIARY CRUISER recently built worldĬruise E\cellent salier also fullv powered 10 knots One of the largest and finest in Aus tralasia Solely end privately oui hand« KJ 25ft new Speed Launch licensed 10 300 HP 31ft TRUNK CABIN CRUISER 6 cj Under marine YOUR Boat deserves the best Instal a CLA3 Prices of C L A E Engines range from Four cylinder 25-40 tip £110 and six oyllndci 40 h p £125 Upwards We build three foul cvllndei models and seven six cylinder models An engine for every boat

#Canvas print fr winter wonderland ipi studio generator
INVINCIBLE MOI ORS LIMITED 53 North George street SydnetĪre real marine engines with aveulie mul ttplc disc reverse gear overslie water pump run nmg half engine speed fall pressure lubrication electric starter electric generator pump to remove used oil from sump and many other refinementsĬX A E Marine Engines should not be con fused with the main cheap car engine conversions on the market easily recognisable by lugs screwed on to flywheel cover etc to bolt engine down with tin sumps and various othei freak designs We believe that we can su t all requirements Call or wiltc foi particular Tions which will make tie purchase of a new Engine With the arrival of the new stock ome of our 193J models will be offered at GRLATLY REDUCED PRICES When we talk of reduced prices we do not mean ¿/ oi 3/ In the pound we mean rcduc
#Canvas print fr winter wonderland ipi studio full
Inder Heads ard full pressure lubrication engines with balanced Chrome Nickel Molybdenum Craik shafts and nickel chromium Iron cj Under blocksĪLL of the new Invincible models will be on view nt our showrooms after Listei Do not fill to see Our new models for the 1935-8 season are now slowly arrhing in our Showrooms they aie the most wonderful Marine Engines ever put on the Australian market thej range from the small dinglvj motor which \ou can lift with two fingers to the huge 6 cylinder Diesel weighing t tons The\ comprise single and double cylinder 4 cycle Engines which would create a sensation even at the New \ork or London Motor Boat Shows cnplncs With T3MKEN self adjusting ROLLFR BEARINGS DURALUMIN connecting Rods RICARDO Cyl ,, CHAPMAN and SHERACK Engine Manufactuicis and Launch TM?,c-l.J93a,COMHLBrE MOTOR LAUNCHES and freíhííS -E"",T'! Jre«h designs with Increased -^.2aiS Coa/nlng Two tone Decks Grcstlv In

T-hi "?llr,5ïsk!nc,lUa Showrooms we are c\hlbltlnc. Nins co-ts -jnh THREEPENCE PER HOUR FOR rUEL at full lond Cnll and get a demonstra

Vic manufnrtuic and stock a complete range of Engines Horn 21 H P up to the New 30 oO HP Totally, Enclosed 6 c\ltndei Cruiser Engine In çlunlllP the FAMOUS 15 H P CHAPMAN PATFN1 HEWV DUTY SLOW SPEED DIESEL ENGINE this engine is becoming cxticmcly popular owing to it« woiderful rellibfiiu anl low cost of lun TiN"rIAL BEARINGS the BEAUTIFULLY ÍÍL9U^S" CYLINDER PISTON CRANKSHAH LTC ETC Is it nnv wonder that all this re coull mci t I going on? \\hn one rompues the E\CLUSI\ E ADVAN TACEOUb It STURES that CHAPMAN LNGINLS iT'SS, s 4Uch as thc PATENT SEL» STARTING SYSTEM P«M ELEVATED and QUICKI Y RE MO\ \BL1 mid MJTOMAUIC TIMING MAGNETO i'î.,'».R\ ELL0L5L\ RELIABLL PUMP WITH TAIENT RENEWABLE 1ALVE SLATS the LONG í.!,d^,?,V,í. Other hods and prliale owners ha\e done like null ped their H re out Launches with CHAP HAN l-NGINLb dlscaidlng othei makes Many ^ \N PUP LVG1NES Wlndybank Bros of Co \nn Creek. Hie i eil known and Popular fosters Boatshcds ht BrooklMi Ha\U«bur> Rl\er have re equipped t! elr cnitrc fleet of Hire out Launchei with CHAP

(_ M m of these Boat letting Sheds aie c1 inglng o\ i to CHAPMAN ENGINES